Cypress HS

US Hist/Geo P​ - S.Binford
Thursday, Dec 04, 2014

Here are some of the ideas/concepts you should talk about in your essay.  All of this information can be found in #3 of your packet assignments (Postwar Tensions notes)


Racial - KKK, Marcus Garvey and the UNIA, NAACP, National Origins Act, lynchings nativism, NCLU, Anti-Defamation League, Billy Holliday, Strange Fruit

Economic - Women & African Americans occupied jobs that soldiers left during war, union membership, strikes were abundant.

Political - Red Scare, Palmer Raids, fear of communism, Immigration quotas, A. Mitchell Palmer, American Communist Party, Sacco & Vanzetti

Social - Prohibition (the "noble experiment", development of organized crime, bootleggers, speakeasies,  Scopes Trial, fundamentalism v. Evolution, John T. Scopes, Clarence Darrow, William Jennings Bryan, Anti-Evolution League


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