Cypress HS

Math 4 - K.Nguyen

SIGN,GET SIGNED, &return = 10 points homework assignment


Student Copy – Keep in Your Binder!

Cypress High School

9801 valley view, cypress, CA 90630; Telephone: 714-220-4144


2015-2016 Curriculum Letter & Contract

 Math 4

Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s) & Students:

1. Attendance is Mandatory: Federal & State Laws require students to be present at school each day to receive instruction, to complete assignments, to take tests, & to maintain passing grades, with the goal of graduating as Career & College Ready individuals who will be beneficial & productive members of society. (AUHSD Vision & Mission Statements)

2.  The Purpose of School & Education:  “School is a powerful place. People go to school to study, work, and produce – just like in an adult workplace. School is where people go to acquire knowledge, learn skills, and develop values that will make them productive citizens and help them grow to their fullest potential as human beings” (Wong, 2010).

3. Factors That Take Away From Students’ Academic Success – Based on Education Research & Student Feedback:  Poor Attendance; Students not completing classwork & homework; Lack of parental involvement; Parents not checking students’ work; Poverty & Economic Stress; Racism; Family Problems; Family Obligations; Etc.

4 I Know Life Can Be Hard:  We fled from a war-torn country in a small and overcrowded boat in a journey that was painful and life-threatening.  We were forced to flee Vietnam with nothing except with our cloths on our back.  I watched my parents struggled to raise 4 children with very little money and English.  I worked from an early age to help support my family.  I decided to attend college and working part-time, I could better support myself & my family.  I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Mathematics from CSU, Fullerton.   None of this was easy, but it was worth it.

5.  So - Can Life Be Hard? Yes! But can getting an education help? Yes! Employment Studies prove that the more education a person has, the higher their wages or salary.  Life may be hard now, but students can help by getting an education. I will do my part, but students must do their part.  I know all of my students are capable of behaving appropriately as young adults and have the ability to successfully complete my class.  No Excuses & No Giving Up!

Thank you for your time and attention.  Please contact me with any questions, allowing 24-48 business hours for a response.  I look forward to a positive & productive year with you.



Ms. Nguyen                     

Office Hours: Tuesday & Thursday, 2:45-4:45 pm; OR by Appointment;

School Phone #: 714-220-4144;


Selected Bibliography of References & Resources:

Canter, L. (2006). Classroom Management for Academic Success. Bloomington, IN: Solution Tree Press.

Jones, F. (2007). Tools for Teaching (2nd ed.). Santa Cruz, CA: Fredric H. Jones & Associates, Inc.

Wong, H., & Wong, R. (2009). The First Days of School: How to be an Effective Teacher. Mountain

View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc. –Mathematical Content Standards & Common Core

In Loco Parentis – Latin phrase; literally means 'in place of a parent'; the legal term defining teachers'

Responsibility & authority for pupils in their care (






Supplies for Success:


2. RESPECT for the Teacher, Fellow Students, Themselves, & Teaching & Learning Time!

3.  An agenda/calendar (any type) to record homework, upcoming quizzes, etc.

4.  3-Ring Binder, either 2” or 3”; with 7-10 dividers to keep subjects separate & organized;

5.  Lined papers, 2-3 pencils with erasers, & 2-3 pens; highlighters; white-board markers.



Skills, Abilities, & Attitudes Students Will Cultivate & Develop:

1.  Critical-Thinking, Reasoning, &

Problem-Solving Skills

7. Compute problems with & without technology and in a variety of manners.

2. Work Ethic & Pride in a Job Well-Done

8. Content Area Reading & Writing Skills

3. Take Personal Responsibility for Actions

9. Note-Taking Skills: How to Take Notes

4. Self-Respect & tolerance as fellow humans

10. Develop skills to be better independent learners

5. Work collaboratively to learn from each other

11. Improve mathematical understanding

6. Communicate effectively through discussion

12. Prepare for class/school/state/college tests

13. Encourage & Develop the appropriate behavior & social skills for students’ survival as adults in the real world, maturing from young adults to true, mature, & productive adults.



Grading Policy, Grading Scale, & Academic Dishonesty:

1. Assignment Value:   Expect 2-3 quizzes per chapter

a.   80% of grade  =  Quizzes

b.  20% of grade  =  Classwork / Homework/Participation/Projects

The focus of these quizzes will be on how well you understand the Common Core Math Standards, are able to communicate your reasoning and apply the mathematics to the real world.  Throughout the semester, students will take multiple quizzes on the same standards thus allowing for improvement. Each time a standard appears on a quiz, the most recent score will account for 75% of the standard grade, and the previous scores will comprise the other 25%. Each standard will be assessed more than once, to give the student the opportunity for more instruction and practice before a final score on a standard is determined. Students may request 1 make-up per standard to improve their score once a standard is completed .

The following rubric will be used in Standards Based Grading:


Text Box: 4You have totally mastered the skill, meaning you have demonstrated a full understanding of the concepts involved, have clearly shown all steps of your reasoning, have used notation correctly, wrote clear explanations, and have made no algebraic errors.


Text Box: 3You have a firm grasp of the skill, meaning you have demonstrated a full or almost full understanding of the concepts involved, but you possibly didn’t show steps of your reasoning, didn’t use notation consistently, could have written better explanations, or made a slight algebraic error.


Text Box: 2You have demonstrated some conceptual understanding of the skill. You possibly have some confused reasoning, did not completely answer the question, did not use consistent notation, wrote a confusing explanation, and/or made more than 1 slight algebraic error.



Text Box: 1

You have demonstrated a weak conceptual understanding. You possibly have confused reasoning, poor explanations, and/or made 1 or more serious algebraic error.

Text Box: 0

You have demonstrated no conceptual understanding.



2. Grading Scale:


A+ = 100-98%

B+ = 89-88%

C+ = 79-78%

D+ = 69-68%


**59.99% & below = “F” for FAIL. **

A   = 97-93%

B   = 87-83%

C   = 77-73%

D    = 67-63%

A-  = 92-90%

B-  = 82-80%

C-  = 72-70%

D-  = 62-60%


3. Progress Reports & Grade Checks: Progress Reports will be sent per AUHSD schedule. Parents/students/coaches-check grades online. Front-Office Staff have usernames/passwords.

4. Outside Work: Any work being done in this class from other classes will be confiscated.

5. Cypress is using CONNECT to help students achieve!  So, in the Math Department:

MAKE-UP of LATE/MISSING ASSIGNMENTS: Students can turn in late/missing work for up to 50% of value of assignment.  Late works are due by the end of each quarter.

6. Academic Dishonesty & Cheating:  The Math Department supports California Education Code/Laws, AUHSD policy, & Cypress High School policy regarding academic dishonesty.   Zero credit (=0, an F) will be given for copying other students’ work, cheating, & plagiarism, etc.  Student will be referred to administration for disciplinary action.



Homework, 4-Part Heading, Excused Absences, & Make-Up Policy:

1. Homework: Will be assigned Monday-Friday & collected OR stamped each day.  Homework is going to be given depending on how much content gets finished in class and based on student need for understanding of the concepts (as determined by teacher)

2. 4-Part Heading & Presentation of Work: Work should be neat, NOT crumpled or folded.  All assignments should have a 4-Part Heading, including: PRINTED First & Last Names; Date; Period & Assignment Name/Title.

3. Absent Work & Excused vs. Unexcused Absences–Per California Education Code, a Parent/Guardian has 2 school days to Clear or Excuse an absence.  Excused Absences are determined by the state.  Unexcused Absence=no make-ups allowed for that date/absence.

a) Missing/Late Assignments Due to Excused Absences:  Such assignments are allowed for Excused Absences ONLY. Students must turn in absent work the day they return to school. Students are also responsible for picking up work they missed on an Excused Absent Day.

b) Missing Final/Quizzes Due to Excused Absences: Quiz Make-ups are ONLY permitted for Excused Absences. These must be made up the day the student returns. c) Regarding Quizzes - Advance Notice is provided to students of upcoming tests/quizzes. Unfair Advantage–Absent students should not have the advantage of extra study time. Students also share test questions with absent friends, which is Academic Dishonesty.

d) Late Projects: Are NOT accepted since they are assigned far in advance. All students should have the same amount of time.  Projects are due whether the student is at school or not.


Rules, Behavior Expectations, Discipline, & Dress/Grooming:

CA Education Code Section 48908: “All pupils shall comply with the regulations, pursue the required course of study, and submit to the authority of the teachers of the school

See CA Education Code/Laws, AUHSD Parent –Student Handbook, & AUHSD/Cypress websites for complete lists of Rules & Behavior Expectations. Also See Ms. Nguyen’s Classroom Procedures I reserve the right to amend & add to the list below.

1.        READY TO WORK:  Enter room silently, take assigned seat, & prepare to work.

2.        DIRECTIONS: Follow directions the first time, or quietly ask instructor to re-explain.

3.        RESPECT:  Show respect for self, others, teachers, & personal & school property. Keep hands & objects to yourself. Raise your hand & get permission before speaking.

4.        UNACCEPTABLE SPEECH & BEHAVIOR:  Any Hate Speech, including - Racism; Gender Discrimination; Sexual Harassment; Religious Harassment; Abuse of the Handicapped (i.e. terms like “retarded”, etc.);  Abuse & Threats; Profanity; etc.

5.        DRESS CODE: To maintain a safe & effective learning environment - free of violence & sexual harassment, etc. - the Dress Code & Grooming Guide in Student Handbook - per AUHSD, Cypress H.S., & the Anaheim Police Department, will be followed.

6.        EATING/DRINKING:  NO Food, Candy, Gum, or Beverages, including Water. 

7.        BACKPACKS, PURSES, BAGS, JACKETS, etc.: Due to students sneaking cell phones, text-messaging & using iPods, etc. in class - all backpacks, purses, bags, jackets, etc. must be on floor under desks during class.

8.        GROOMING: No use of grooming tools, make-up, mirrors, cologne, etc. in class.

9.        BATHROOM PASSES: Issued on emergency basis ONLY.                   

10.      TARDY & ATTENDANCE: AUHSD & Cypress H.S. policies will be followed.


Positive Consequences – When Students Choose to Follow the Rules:

·   Personal satisfaction in learning, academic growth, & advanced maturity.

·   Development, growth, and continued Self-respect, plus earn the Respect of Others.

·   Teacher & Administration Recognition.


Negative Consequences – If Students Choose to Break Rules / Disrupt:

1.    1st Violation = This Curriculum Letter is your Warning.

2.    2nd  Violation = 60-Minute Detention & Parent Contact.

3.    3rd Violation =  60-Minute Detention & Parent Contact.

4.    4th Violation = Parent Contact, Removal from Class, & Referral to Administrator.

5.    Severe Clause = Fighting, vandalism, defiance of authority, abuse of teacher, habitual disruptions, etc., student is referred to Administrator immediately.

6.    TELEPARENT, TELEPHONE, E-MAIL, etc.: Parent contact methods for discipline.  




  Student & Parent/Guardian Signatures: Our signatures below indicate that we have read, understand, & agree to follow the rules/policies/procedures contained within this Curriculum Letter & Contract, as well as following the Education Laws & Rules contained in the CA Education Code, AUHSD Parent - Student Handbook, & Cypress High School Parent - Student Handbook.










PRINT – Student Name:  ____________________________________________________


SIGNATURE – Student: __________________________ Student I.D.#: ________


PRINT – Parent/Guardian Name: ________________________________________


SIGNATURE – Parent/Guardian: _____________________________________________


Parent/Guardian Cell #: (        )                                                                     


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